03/02/08 - Genesis 16
1.) Who was Sarai blaming for being barren up to this point?
2.) In what ways to we blame God when we life is not working out as we have planned?
- Stop praying
- Stop praising
- Self-pity
3.) Offering up your servant to your husband sounds like an extreme act today. However, this was an accepted practice in Abram’s culture. What are some examples of actions completely acceptable in our culture today (even as Christians) but may be counter to God’s view?
- Spending all or our expendable resources and money we don’t have
- Vegging out in front of prime time TV
- Prioritizing our time like it’s unlimited – too man activities
- Being a workaholic
- Willfully breaking the law – speeding
4.) What sins were committed here by Abram and Sarai?
- Failure to seek God’s will
- Failure to wait on God’s timing
5.) Is Failure to seek God’s will and failure to wait on God really a sin or just not being perfect?
There are two paths. One path is to seek God’s will by walking in the Spirit. The other is to pursue what seems right to the flesh or the things of the world – i.e. what is right according to our culture. There is not a third path or an in-between path.
Not waiting on God’s timing is similar to not seeking His will. However, many times we seek God’s will but when he appears to be silent, we try to help him out.
We’re not a patient people in America. We want everything now and if we really want it we can have most of what we want now. We are the land of credit cards, instant financing, fast food, microwaves. We do not like to wait.
Psalms 27:14
Isaiah 40:31
Lamentations 3:25-26
6.) Waiting on God is obviously a virtue. But is it a sin not to wait? Why or Why not?
Why do we usually not wait? We want it now. We “envy” not having what we want
Romans 1:28-32
Galatians 5:19-21
So what if my impatience is not personal and not selfish but is out of love for someone else or for a worthy cause? Then lack of patience is lack of faith and anything done without faith is sin.
7.) Based on Sarai’s and Abram’s reaction when Hagar gets pregnant, were either one really just misguidedly trying to follow God’s will?
Sarai was jealous rather than joyful when Hagar became pregnant. If she really thought giving Hagar to Abram was part of God's plan to fulfill his promise she would have been joyful but her selfish ambition is uncovered. Abram was willing to let Sarai do whatever she pleased with Hagar. He did not appear to believe Hagar was carrying his heir of promise.
8.) What were the consequences of Abram and Sarai not seeking God’s direction and not waiting on his timing?
Ishmael is the father of the Arab nations. Our sins can cause more than just consequences for us personally.
9.) What is the hope we have from this passage?
God's grace
God's forgiveness
In spite of this failure by Abram and Sarai God still delivered on his promise to Abram.
Despite our failures, because of God's grace, we can come to him and receive forgiveness. God can still create glory from our mess.
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